A handy list of Web resources to ensure that you get as little actual productive work done as you see fit. We've got diversionary tactics a-plenty for even the most dedicated time-waster...


oz stuff

Unit B Archive
Author-driven all pairings, all ratings OZ fanfiction archive. Yeah, I'm the archivist there, that's why it's listed first. *g*

HBO's official Oz site
Actually pretty good, ep guides, character sketches, multimedia "Virtual Oz" walkthrough of Em City.

Oz Transcripts
Whee! Trasker has managed to collect transcripts from all six seasons. Go girl!
CM's official site, home of the priceless "Words From Chris"
LT's official site. Chock full o' goodies.

OZ Web Site Links
Updated monthly. The best single listing of OZ-related links—a fabulous resource. Great for listings of individual fanfic author homepages, sources for pictures, articles, etc.

C5 Archive
No longer updated, but many older stories here.


due south stuff

Due South Fiction Archive a/k/a "Ex-wood"
The motherlode for DS fic. Slash, het, gen, you name it.

Due Slash
The new all-slash DS fiction archive. All pairings welcomed.

Trinity's No-Frills Ep Transcript Page
The best compendium of DS episode transcripts.

William & Elyse's
Usually has up to date news re: TV schedules and what former cast and crew are up to. Character sketches, ep guide, lots of links. Not exactly slash-friendly, but some good info here. Can also subscribe to the DS Informer newsletter -- get e-mail with cast updates, transcripts of articles, etc.
For all things Callum. Screencaps galore.

Links to any articles/interviews with Paul Gross that are online.

other stuff

Touch My Stump
The Hard Core Logo fanfiction archive. Sadly, most other HCL (and Headstones) related stuff has gone the way of all pixels. :-(

Television Without Pity
Although I was never fond of the way they treated OZ, I still lurk on their boards from time to time, though mostly to catch up on L&O: SVU related stuff, these days.

Recs Judicata
I don't read a ton of L&O universe fanfiction, so when I'm in the mood for some, it's nice to have a guide.

The Shield Fanfiction Archive
Another show I like a lot, although I've only nibbled around the edges fic-wise.

HBO's The Wire
Okay, this is actually maybe my favorite TV show ever. And yes, I'm definitely going to write it some day, but right now I'm too freaking intimidated by it. *g*

A Perfect Duet
Master and Commander fanfiction archive. Ah, another fandom that intimidates me. Heh.